United States securities and exchange commission logo

                               July 19, 2022

       Xuezheng Chen
       Chief Executive Officer
       Golden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
       No. 8 Banhouhaichuan Rd
       Xiqin Town, Yanping District
       Nanping City, Fujian Province, China 353001

                                                        Re: Golden Heaven Group
Holdings Ltd.
                                                            Draft Registration
Statement on Form F-1
                                                            Submitted June 22,
                                                            CIK No. 0001928340

       Dear Mr. Chen:

              We have reviewed your draft registration statement and have the
following comments. In
       some of our comments, we may ask you to provide us with information so
we may better
       understand your disclosure.

              Please respond to this letter by providing the requested
information and either submitting
       an amended draft registration statement or publicly filing your
registration statement on
       EDGAR. If you do not believe our comments apply to your facts and
circumstances or do not
       believe an amendment is appropriate, please tell us why in your

             After reviewing the information you provide in response to these
comments and your
       amended draft registration statement or filed registration statement, we
may have additional

       Draft Registration Statement on Form F-1

       Cover Page

   1.                                                   Please amend your
disclosure to clearly disclose how you will refer to the holding
                                                        company and
subsidiaries throughout the document so that it is clear to investors which
                                                        entity the disclosure
is referencing and which subsidiaries or entities are conducting the
                                                        business operations,
and refrain from using terms such as "we" or "our" when describing
                                                        activities, functions,
or employees of your subsidiaries. Please disclose clearly the entity
                                                        (including the
domicile) in which investors are purchasing an interest.
 Xuezheng Chen
FirstName  LastNameXuezheng
Golden Heaven  Group HoldingsChen
July       NameGolden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
     19, 2022
July 19,
Page  2 2022 Page 2
FirstName LastName
2.       Please disclose prominently on the prospectus cover page that you are
not a Chinese
         operating company but a Cayman Islands holding company with operations
conducted by
         your subsidiaries based in China and that this structure involves
unique risks to investors.
         Disclose that investors may never hold equity interests in the Chinese
operating entities.
         Your disclosure should acknowledge that Chinese regulatory authorities
could disallow
         this structure, which would likely result in a material change in your
operations and/or a
         material change in the value of your securities, including that it
could cause the value of
         such securities to significantly decline or become worthless. Please
provide a cross-
         reference to your detailed discussion of risks facing the company and
the offering as a
         result of your operating structure.
3.       Please disclose whether your auditor is subject to the determinations
announced by the
         PCAOB on December 16, 2021 and whether and how the Holding Foreign
         Accountable Act and related regulations will affect your company.
Please revise your
         disclosure relating to the Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act
to include a
         discussion of the Accelerating Holding Foreign Companies Accountable
Act, as well as
         the time frames under both Acts.
4.       Please amend your disclosure here and in the summary risk factors and
risk factors
         sections to state that, to the extent cash or assets in the business
is in the PRC or a
         PRC entity, the funds or assets may not be available to fund
operations or for other use
         outside of the PRC due to interventions in or the imposition of
restrictions and limitations
         on the ability of you or your subsidiaries by the PRC government to
transfer cash or
         assets. On the cover page, provide cross-references to these other
5.       Please discuss whether there are limitations on your ability to
transfer cash between you
         and your subsidiaries or investors. Please provide a cross-reference
to your discussion of
         this issue in your summary, summary risk factors, and risk factors
sections, as well.
6.       To the extent you have cash management policies that dictate how funds
are transferred
         between you, your subsidiaries, and investors, please summarize the
policies on your
         cover page and in the prospectus summary, and disclose the source of
such policies (e.g.,
         whether they are contractual in nature, pursuant to regulations,
etc.); alternatively, state
         on the cover page and in the prospectus summary that you have no such
cash management
         policies that dictate how funds are transferred. Provide a
cross-reference on the cover
         page to the discussion of this issue in the prospectus summary.
Prospectus Summary, page 1

7.       Please identify clearly the entity in which investors are purchasing
their interest and the
         entities in which the company   s operations are conducted. Describe
the relevant
         contractual agreements between the entities and how this type of
corporate structure may
         affect investors and the value of their investment, including that the
company may incur
         substantial costs to enforce the terms of the arrangements. Disclose
the uncertainties
         regarding the status of the rights of the Cayman Islands holding
company with respect to
 Xuezheng Chen
Golden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
July 19, 2022
Page 3
         its contractual arrangements and the challenges the company may face
enforcing these
         contractual agreements due to legal uncertainties and jurisdictional
8.       In your summary of risk factors, please disclose the risk that the
Chinese government may
         intervene or influence your operations at any time, or may exert more
control over
         offerings conducted overseas and/or foreign investment in China-based
issuers, which
         could result in a material change in your operations and/or the value
of your securities.
         Acknowledge any risks that any actions by the Chinese government to
exert more
         oversight and control over offerings that are conducted overseas
and/or foreign investment
         in China-based issuers could significantly limit or completely hinder
your ability to offer
         or continue to offer securities to investors and cause the value of
such securities to
         significantly decline or be worthless. Please provide cross-references
to the relevant
         individual detailed risk factors.
9.       Please provide a clear description of how cash is transferred through
your organization,
         and disclose your intentions to distribute earnings. Quantify any cash
flows and transfers
         of other assets by type that have occurred between the holding company
and its
         subsidiaries and direction of transfer. Quantify any dividends or
distributions that a
         subsidiary has made to the holding company and which entity made such
transfer, and
         their tax consequences. Similarly quantify dividends or distributions
made to U.S.
         investors, the source, and their tax consequences. Your disclosure
should make clear if no
         transfers, dividends, or distributions have been made to date.
Describe any restrictions on
         foreign exchange and your ability to transfer cash between entities,
across borders, and to
         U.S. investors. Describe any restrictions and limitations on your
ability to distribute
         earnings from the company, including your subsidiaries, to the parent
company and U.S.
10.      Please disclose that trading in your securities may be prohibited
under the Holding
         Foreign Companies Accountable Act if the PCAOB determines that it
cannot inspect or
         investigate completely your auditor, and that as a result an exchange
may determine to
         delist your securities. Disclose whether your auditor is subject to
the determinations
         announced by the PCAOB on December 16, 2021.
Risk Factors, page 12

11.    Given the Chinese government   s significant oversight and discretion
over the conduct of
       your business, please revise to highlight separately the risk that the
Chinese government
       may intervene or influence your operations at any time, which could
result in a material
       change in your operations and/or the value of the securities you are
registering. Also,
       given recent statements by the Chinese government indicating an intent
to exert more
       oversight and control over offerings that are conducted overseas and/or
foreign investment
FirstName LastNameXuezheng Chen
       in China-based issuers, acknowledge the risk that any such action could
significantly limit
Comapany   NameGolden
       or completely      Heaven
                      hinder your Group
                                  ability Holdings
                                          to offer orLtd.
                                                      continue to offer
securities to investors and
       cause the value
July 19, 2022 Page 3   of such securities to significantly decline or be
FirstName LastName
 Xuezheng Chen
FirstName  LastNameXuezheng
Golden Heaven  Group HoldingsChen
July       NameGolden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
     19, 2022
July 19,
Page  4 2022 Page 4
FirstName LastName
Risks Related to Doing Business in the PRC
The enforcement of the PRC Labor Contract Law and other labor-related
regulations in the
PRC..., page 28

12.      We note your disclosure that the operating companies failed to comply
with the PRC
         Social Insurance Law and the Administrative Measures on Housing Fund
for the years
         2019, 2020, and 2021. Please disclose the potential risk or
consequences to the company
         caused by this noncompliance, including potential impact on the
securities offered. Please
         also disclose whether you are currently in compliance with these
requirements, and
         whether you have taken steps to remediate your prior failure to
Use of Proceeds, page 41

13.      Please provide information on the status of any acquisitions of
businesses engaged in
         amusement park development. Refer to Item 3(C)(3) of Form 20-F.
Enforceability of Civil Liabilities, page 45

14.      Please amend your disclosure in this section to include a description
of the difficulties in
         bringing legal claims against your Hong Kong- and BVI-based
Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of
Key Components of Results of Operations
Comparison of the Year ended September 30, 2020 and 2021, page 51

15.      Your disclosure in the Business section starting on page 70 includes
information on the
         number of park guests, number of attractions, and pricing of rides and
attractions by
         category. Please tell us if management uses any metrics or key
performance indicators to
         assess performance. If so, please refer to SEC Release No. 33-10751
for guidance on
         disclosures to provide.
16.      Sales of in-park recreation increased by $14.9 million, or 44%, for
the year ended
         September 30, 2021. Please expand your discussion to provide a robust
and quantified
         analysis of the significant drivers that you identified for the
material changes in
         revenues. Also, describe the underlying reasons and any known trends
or uncertainties
         that have had or that are reasonably likely to have a material impact
on revenues. Refer to
         Item 5 of Form 20-F.
Liquidity and Capital Resources, page 56

17.      Please revise to include an analysis of the components of the
statements of cash flows
         (i.e., operating, investing, and financing activities) that explains
and quantifies the
         significant drivers underlying material year-to-year variations. Refer
to Item 5 of Form
         20-F and Section IV.B.1 of SEC Release No. 33-8350.
 Xuezheng Chen
FirstName  LastNameXuezheng
Golden Heaven  Group HoldingsChen
July       NameGolden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
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July 19,
Page  5 2022 Page 5
FirstName LastName
Commitments and Contingencies
Commitments, page 56

18.      Please amend your disclosure to describe what additional lease
commitments the company
         is anticipating and when they are anticipated to commence.
Business, page 70

19.      We note your disclosure that "the local governments have agreed in
four out of six current
         agreements with our operating entities to disallow the development of
similar amusement
         parks in the vicinity of the park localities." Please amend your
disclosure to describe the
         terms of these agreements more fully, including the term of
20.      We note your disclosure on page 76 that "[w]e do not consider theme
park operators, such
         as the Walt Disney Company and Fantawild Holdings Inc., as our
operating entities' direct
         competitors." Please revise or amend your disclosure regarding cost
effectiveness of your
         operating entities, which currently compares the cost of access to
your rides and
         attractions with direct comparisons to costs of admission to
facilities operated by the Walt
         Disney Company and Fantawild Holdings Inc., or explain why you believe
         comparison is useful for investors.
Management, page 94

21.      We note your disclosure that you will enter into employment agreements
with your
         executive officers. Please file any such contracts as exhibits to the
registration statement.
Consolidated Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Operations and Comprehensive Income, page F-3

22.      Please revise to provide earnings per share data consistent with Rule
5-03.25 of
         Regulation S-X.
2. Summary of Significant Accounting Policies, page F-7

23.      Please disclose in an accounting policy footnote the specific types of
amounts included in
         cost of revenue, general and administrative expenses and selling
Revenue Recogntion, page F-9

24.      Please expand your policy for in-park recreation to discuss how you
measure obligations
         for returns or refunds. See ASC 606-10-50-20.
25.      On page 54, you say there was a $3.7 million increase in selling
expenses, which was
         primarily attributable to an increase of $3.2 million in rebates that
you offered to guests
         for loading their prepaid cards. Please disclose your accounting
policy for the incentives
         you offer to your customers (e.g., rebates, discounts, etc.) and tell
us the authoritative
         guidance you used to support your accounting treatment. Also, please
discuss how you
 Xuezheng Chen
Golden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
July 19, 2022
Page 6
      considered the guidance in ASC 606-10-32-6.
3. Other Current Assets, page F-11

26.   You have recorded $15.3 million as prepayment of projects. Please
disclose the nature
      and terms of these prepayments and discuss the related projects.
8. Advances From Customers, page F-13

27.   Please disclose the nature and terms associated with your advances from
customers. Also,
      disclose whether you assume any breakage on advances from customers and,
if so, your
      accounting policy for assuming breakage. Refer to ASC 606-10-55-46
through 55-49.
13. Segment reporting, page F-16

28.   Please tell us and disclose why two of your three segments have no
expenses or assets
      allocated to them. Also, disclose the information required by ASC

29.   Please revise to name PRC counsel where you state that your position is
based on the
      advice of your PRC counsel.
30.   Please provide us with supplemental copies of all written communications,
as defined in
      Rule 405 under the Securities Act, that you, or anyone authorized to do
so on your behalf,
      have presented or expect to present to potential investors in reliance on
Section 5(d) of the
      Securities Act, whether or not you retained, or intend to retain, copies
of those
      communications. Please contact the staff member associated with the
review of this filing
      to discuss how to submit the materials, if any, to us for our review.
        You may contact Nasreen Mohammed at 202-551-3773 or Rufus Decker at
3769 if you have questions regarding comments on the financial statements and
matters. Please contact Alyssa Wall at 202-551-8106 or Donald Field at
202-551-3680 with any
other questions.

FirstName LastNameXuezheng Chen
                                                            Division of
Corporation Finance
Comapany NameGolden Heaven Group Holdings Ltd.
                                                            Office of Trade &
July 19, 2022 Page 6
cc:       Ying Li
FirstName LastName